My iPhones

I started with a 3Gs at firmware 3.0 then moved to a 4G with the lowest firmware and now at firmware 5.01. I just bought the 4Gs with the 5.01. Waiting for the Jailbreak now for the 4s.

Jan 31, 2013

6.1 Untethered Jailbreak Named Evasi0n Almost Complete

Today, we have even more news regrading the upcoming iOS 6 jailbreak which has been large part of this week’s news. The new jailbreak team the Evad3rs posted their first tweet announcing a website they started. The site acts as a home for there new jailbreak they will name ‘evasi0n’. The loading bar on the site site indicates that they are 60/100 of the way to completion, but this could be a complete estimation. While there is not much currently, the grey boxes indicate that the downloads will be hosted there as soon as it becomes available to the public

The official evasi0n 6.1 jailbreak: -- Check regularly for updates!

Aug 14, 2012

MiniBanners Pro (Preview)

Around a week or so ago, I showed you the cydia tweak ‘Minibanners‘. Which allows you to minimise the banners on your iPhone or iPod touch, to make them look - in my opinion, significantly better. The developer of the tweak didn’t stop there though, quickly working to produce a ‘Pro’ version of the tweak, which adds significant functionality to the already excellent MiniBanners. I took it for a spin in the video below, so be sure to check it out to see all of the new features:

As you can see, the most prominent new feature is the inclusion of some really cool animations, which adds some nice polish to the banners. You can also tweak the background colour, badge colour and text colour. One of the most annoying problems that Minibanners caused, was the fact that it took away the majority of any text on your notification. So you never knew what the notification included, or was for. With Minibanners pro - this has been changed. Holding on the banner will expand the notification, allowing to see the text which it includes, so you can see what the message, tweet or other such notification is for.

MiniBanners pro will be available in Cydia in the near future. You will be able to pick it up for $1.79 from the ModMyi repo - don’t forget though, if you don’t want to pay, there is already a free version out!

Small Dragon i4s

How To Fix a Respring Loop

It has happened to all of us at one point in out jailbreaking life, or maybe it hasn’t and you want to know how to fix it if it should. You happen to install an unusable or unstable jailbreak tweak or package, and all seems lost when you are sent into a seemingly unending loop of respringing. However - there is a solution! The video below will outline how to uninstall the corrupt package, even without having to restore your device.

I’m sure some of you will have known about this, but for someone that this happens to in the future - information like this can be invaluable. If you’ve currently never needed to resort to these measures to uninstall a package, take note, because you may need to in the future!

Small Dragon i4s

Jun 28, 2012

INSTALL FULLY WORKING SIRI ON iOS 5.1.1 iPhone 4, 3Gs, iPod Touch 4G, iPad 1, 2 & 3 on 5.1.1 for FREE

There is a chance your device will get stuck in a bootloop. Make sure to backup your device and know what you are doing before following the steps below.

Well as the title says, here it is! How to fully install Siri on your iOS 5.1.1 device!! This process is simple, fast & will have you up and running Siri in no time! The best part is that it is completely legal and won’t brick your iDevice, it also gives you Siri dictation! Just follow the written steps below or follow my video tutorial above! Enjoy.

Step 1: Open Cydia and add the source or
Step 2: Install Ac!d Siri
Step 3: Add the proxy
Step 4: Install the certificate by pointing Safari to
Now just install the certificate & reboot your device! Boom! You’re done!
Also, check out the developer!

If you can’t connect, try wordjelly instead of steps 3 & 4

Open Cydia. Add our source to it.

Install the package that says Control Panel 5.0.1/5.1.1
Go to Settings->Wordjelly. Press the install certificate button. Install the certificate.
Dont forget to turn on Siri from Settings->Siri :)
Reboot your device

May 25, 2012

Absinthe 2.0.1 has arrived!

After copious amounts of work and many sleepless nights Absinthe 2.0.1 is finally here to jailbreak your device. This release has been a large collaborative effort between Chronic-Dev Team and iPhone Dev Teams (Jailbreak Dream Team)

This jailbreak supports firmware 5.1.1 ONLY and is again one of the most easiest jailbreaks to use (so easy your grandma could do it ;D)

Absinthe 2.0.1 supports the following devices:

iPad1,1 – 2,1 – 2,2 – 2,3 – 3,1 – 3,2 – 3,3

iPhone2,1 – 3,1 – 3,3 – 4,1

iPod3,1 – 4,1

(Support for iPad2,4 will be added at a later date)

How To Use Absinthe 2.0.1:

1. Make a backup of your device in iTunes by right clicking on your device name under the ‘Devices’ menu and click ‘Back Up’.

2. Once your backup is complete return to your device and go to Settings – General – Reset – Erase all Content and Settings. This will make the jailbreak process much faster.

3. Open Absinthe and be sure you are still connected via USB cable to your computer.

4. Click ‘Jailbreak’ and wait…. just be patient and do not disconnect your device.

5. Once jailbroken return to iTunes and restore your backup from earlier. Right click on your device name under the ‘Devices’ menu in the left panel of iTunes and click ‘Restore from Back Up…’ then select the latest backup you created before. (restoring this backup will return all the content previously on your device ie, apps, photos, etc.)

6. Thanks for using Absinthe, enjoy your jailbroken iDevice! :D

How To Untether 5.1.1 (if you're already jailbroken):

Just search for and install "Rocky Racoon 5.1.1 Untether" from Cydia.

Download Links

May 24, 2012

Save 5.1.1 SHSH Blobs for your iDevice Before It’s Too Late

These days we are waiting for Pod2g’s iOS 5.1.1 untethered jailbreak with Absinthe 2.0.1. So all of jailbreakers who plan to use the upcoming Absinthe 2.0 will update their iDevices to iOS 5.1.1. So it’s highly recommended to save SHSH blobs files for iOS 5.1.1.

Saving iOS 5.1.1 SHSH blobs will help you to downgrade to iOS 5.1.1 from any future (unjailbreakalbe) version of iOS to enjoy the untethered jailbreak. Notcom, the guy behind TinyUmbrella released TU 5.11.00 few days ago to support the latest version of iOS.

As a reminder, to save your SHSH blobs, simply connect your iDevice via USB to your computer, launch TinyUmbrella, and click the “Save SHSH” button.
Download TinyUmbrealla 5.11.00:
  • Download TinyUmbrealla 5.11.00 for Mac
  • Download TinyUmbrealla 5.11.00 for Windows

How to Prepare your iPhone or iPad to iOS 5.1.1 Absinthe Untethered jailbreak?

If you planning to inject the iOS 5.1.1 untethered jailbreak using Absinthe 2.0.1 into you iPhone, iPad or iPod touch, so you have to make some preparations to your iDevice. Let me show you what you should do.

How to prepare your iDevice to iOS 5.1.1 Absinthe Untethered jailbreak?
For iPhone 4S, 4, 3GS, iPad 2, iPad 1, iPod touch 4G and 3G users:

Step 1: Download last version of iTunes

Step 2: Download iOS 5.1.1 for your iDevice

Step 3: Plug your iDevice into your computer then right click on your device then click on Backup Button

Step 4: Now you have to restore your iDevice to iOS 5.1.1. Hold (Alt in Mac) (Shift in Windows) and click on the ‘restore’ button then point it to iOS 5.1.1 you download above. Wait for between 10 and 15 minutes for the new OS to be moved over.

Note: If you are receiving “An internal error occurred.” (3200 or 3004) this means Apple’s servers are to busy to deal with your restore request. Try again later.

For The New iPad (iPad 3) users:

For iPad 3 users you can follow the same above tutorial. But I recommend to use OTA (Over The Air) update, just follow the below steps:

Step 1: From home screen, go to Setting > General > Software Update > Download and install

Step 2: In few minutes your iPad 3 will be upgraded to iOS 5.1.1.

Note: Make sure that your iPad is connected to a power source while the download is in progress to save battery.

Important for iPhone unlockers (unofficial carries) who use SAM, Gevey SIM or Ultrasn0w to unlock iPhone:

iPhone 4S users :

iPhone 4S can be unlocked on iOS 5.1.1 using backed up SAM activation tickets or Gevey Ultra S on any baseband.

iPhone 4 users:

iPhone 4 can be unlocked on iOS 5.1.1 using backed up SAM activation tickets on any baseband. For who are using ultrasn0w you have to upgrade your iPhone 4 to custom iOS 5.1.1 using Redsn0w to preserve the unlockable baseband then unlock it using ultrasn0w fixer.

iPhone 3GS users:

You MUST upgrade your devices to custom iOS 5.1.1 then use ultrasn0w fixer to unlock iPhone 3GS on iOS 5.1.1.