My iPhones

I started with a 3Gs at firmware 3.0 then moved to a 4G with the lowest firmware and now at firmware 5.01. I just bought the 4Gs with the 5.01. Waiting for the Jailbreak now for the 4s.

Nov 3, 2011

Jailbreak 5.0

My iPhone 4g was at firmware 4.2.1 then when it was corruped it got changed to 4.3.5 because iTunes would not accept 4.3.3 to install. I did try Tiny Umbrella with out any good results.

I really like the 4.2.1 because the battery lasted all day and night. When the firmware went to 4.3.5 I was charging the phone 3 times a day.

Needless to say I was not happy about it. The other thing was that the 4.3.5 is not an untethered jailbreak. 4.3.3 was the last one that was untethered.

I had my iPhone working sweet on 4.3.5 until I saw a advertisement about an app. I don't remember what app it was now but it let my phone into a infinite loop of shutting down and restarting, never to let it boot up.

I did try to use the iphone browser to see if I could remove it since it was not completely shutting down and just restringing all the time. I could not find the file I was looking for. Well the OS5 has been out for about 2 weeks.

I figured that I could reinstall 4.3.5 or infect 4.3.3 so I tried to restore the firmware using iTunes. It would not complete it. Now I have no firmware. I used tiny umbrella to use with iTunes. Again it failed. I used every PC there was at work and all it did was fail. I kept receiving a code that said that firmware could not be installed. So I tried OS5.

After many hours I thought well OS5 could not be that bad.
I tried to install. Would you know it failed too. This time it said OS5 does not qualify for it. Its a iPhone 4. why would it not qualify. I ended up trying all the PC again with all complete failure.

Giving up and just wanting to wait till I go home I ended up at my girlfriends neighbor. My girlfriend told him what happened and he recommended to use a MAC.

I was going to go to the apple store and just have them install it so why not, it installed the firmware OS5 with no problems. When I have the money to by one I will since it works. Lesson learned windows sucks, I am a windows user too. Trying to install MAC firmware on a iPhone guess there is a problem there.

If your having problems installing the firmware on your iPhone try a MAC.

For jailbreaking OS5 use Redsn0w 0.9.9b4
there is currently no untethered jailbreak but there is a semi-tethered tweak you can add in cydia after you jailbreak
the semi-tethered will let the phone boot up if it turns off completely. When it boots back up only the phone part will work. to get everything to work again you will need to use redsn0w to get it to work again.

The next blog will talk about how to jailbreak and cydia and semi-tether.

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