My iPhones

I started with a 3Gs at firmware 3.0 then moved to a 4G with the lowest firmware and now at firmware 5.01. I just bought the 4Gs with the 5.01. Waiting for the Jailbreak now for the 4s.

Jan 30, 2012


Warning: A this time there are reports that this is not working and does affect the phone.
This is installed on my i4 but the certificate is not installed yet since its the problem
is with the certificate. I will keep an ear open and update when it seems to be more

Update: i Have installed the Certificate, I have tryied several days constantly trying to get this to work, using Hi Siri, Garden, Car, many other words, Respringing, Rebooting. For me this does not activate on my phone so I think of just uninstalling this and wait for apple to issue on a update or buy a new phone with it installed already. Too Bad.

Are you one of those iDevice users that has been dying to get Siri, but don’t have a 4S? Well wait no longer! Here is a step by step guide with a video on how to install Siri on your iDevice!

Here is how to install siri on the iPhone 4 and iPod Touch 4G.
The source you need to add to cydia is:
The website you need to get the certificate:

Download Link (If the site won’t load on your device, open it on your computer, download the certificate, email it to yourself, and open it on your device from your email.

Step 1: Add the Source to Cydia

Step 2: Install “Siriport”

Step 3: Reboot

Step 4: Install the Certificate from the website.

Step 5: Reboot

Step 6: Activate Siri and say “Hi Siri” Siri won’t work, wait 1-4 minutes and try again. (Say “Hi Siri” again)

Step 7: Repeat step 6 until Siri is activated

Jan 21, 2012

Absinthe – iPhone 4/iPad 2 Jailbreak Windows Version- Now Available! Link

Straight out of Twittervers, @p0sixninja has just informed us that hes working his ass off to finish up the Windows version of Absinthe. Absinthe is the probably the most user friendly out of the two (CLI) recent jailbreak. UPDATE – Its Now available!

If you haven’t yet used CLI for Windows to jailbreak your iDevice, you might as well wait for the upcoming release of Absinthe for Windows.

Those of you already jailbroken, How are you enjoying your jailbreak?

Download – Link

How To Fix “No Service Issue” With CDMA (Sprint/Verizon) iPhone After Jailbreak

As I previously reported, it seems like many Sprint iPhone i4s user were experiencing a “No Service Issue” after they jailbroke their iphones. Well it turns out that the issue might be caused by the 3G toggle found in SBSettings.

BigBoss has just reported that users having no service after using sbsettings on your 5.x CDMA device, it is not caused by sbsettings but instead by the 3g toggle.

Here’s how to fix it:

1) Disable the 3g toggle in the more app (don’t use it)
2) go to settings, general, reset, and reset your network settings.
3) Reboot.

BigBoss stated that he’s pushing a new sbsettings with a 3g toggle that should detect and not run on CDMA.

Windows iPhone 4s / iPad 2 Jailbreak Released – How To – Video

The iPhone Dev Team have updated their Command Line Interface tool (CLI) to work with Windows. While CLI might be consider a little more advance then your typical click and jailbreak tool, anyone with previous jailbreak experience will be able to successfully jailbreak.

CLI will eventually be ported over to Redsn0w and make it easier for many to use. But for now if you want a jailbreak for your iPhone 4 or iPad 2 and only have Windows, this is the way to go.

“iPhone Dev have also incorporated the exact same flow into an alternative command-line interface (CLI). This will allow us to help users through individual steps of the jailbreak manually, to both help the user and help improve the overall flow. Although the CLI will also allow the user to perform the entire jailbreak from beginning to end, we anticipate it will be more useful in debugging the occasional errors. The CLI currently has over 20 individual options (in addition to the single “jailbreak” option) that should be useful during debug after the GUI release. – iPhone Dev Team”


Here’s a help video on How To Jailbreak your iDevice with CLI on Windows from iDownloadBlog

Jan 20, 2012

Jailbreak Woes – Service Issues After using the Latest A5 Jailbreak?

What a great day for those of us waiting on a jailbreak. We finally got the long awaiting iPhone 4s/iPad 2 jailbreak, Absinthe (Mac only at this times).

Unfortunately like previous new jailbreaks, issues may arise. One in particular caught my attention since it has to do with service, but it seems to be affecting only a certain carrier.

Sprint! Twitter and the Chronic Dev Team’s IRC channel are filled with users of CDMA iPhone 4S’ that are suffering from “No Service” issues. Sprint seems to be affected more than Verizon users but the problem appears to only affect CDMA phones.

@planetbeing was working with users on IRC to try to find a quick fix but it appears that it will take some time and research before a hard fix is found and implemented.

My friend was affected by this issue and it appears that the only fix for now is a restore. The issue is a weird one also. Some users are loosing service immediately after the jailbreak and others (like my friend) have a fully functioning phone for a few hours before the “No Service” issue appears. Regardless once the phone looses it’s connection it doesn’t return till a restore is performed.

My advice to any and all CDMA users is to hold off on jailbreaking their devices until this is resolved which should not take more than a day or two.

Chronic Dev Team Release Absinthe – iPhone 4s / iPad 2 Jailbreak! – Download Link

The Chronic Dev Team have just released Absinthe which is the long awaited Jailbreak tool for the iPhone 4s and iPad 2. Unfortunately the initial release is only for the Mac but Windows users might be able to run the app with OS X VM.

Download link – Here

Users are warned to back up their devices before running the jailbreak.

Recent reports state that the camera roll seems to disappear after the jailbreak is done. A simple reboot seems to fix this issues. Either way, Back up your data first.

Also keep in mind that greenpois0n has to load on your idevice in order for the jailbreak to be triggered. This means heavy traffic my stall the jailbreak process. Be patient and give it a few hours if your having issues.

As always, issues will be worked on as they are confirmed.

A Windows version will soon be packed and release. (I CANT WAIT!!)

Jan 18, 2012

Reset iPhone To Factory Settings - For Beginners

How to Reset iPhone To Factory Settings? Planning to give your life a fresh new start? Why not start with resetting your iPhone to the factory default settings so that it would appear fresh and new. Restoring the device to its factory default is a necessary thing if you plan on selling your iPhone. Just backup your important data like contacts, photos and videos manually to iCloud and do it.

Most of the people do know how to reset an iPhone but for all the newbies Here are the few easy steps you need to follow to restore the device to its factory default settings:

How to Reset iPhone To Factory Settings :

1.Tap on “Settings” and then tap on “General”

2.Scroll down to the bottom and tap on “Reset”

3.Next tap on “Erase All Content And Settings”

4.Enter the passcode of your device and tap on “Erase iPhone”

And you’re done. Just make sure you have made a backup of your important data before you do this. Most of iPhone models take about a few minutes but it can take an hour in some cases too. So be patient sit back and relax as you give your iPhone a fresh new start.

iPhone 4 Home button not working? Here’s how to fix it?

Stuck or broken Home button problem is really annoying, and chances of this problem are most probably for all those users who use Multitasking on iPhone. Well, Home button problem may be a software or hardware issue. If it is a software problem you can restore your iPhone which may fix this problem. But if restoring doesn’t fix this problem, you can follow the Method 1 given below to recalibrate your Home button on iPhone. However, if it is physically damaged, than you can follow the 2nd Method as a temporary solution. But for permanent solution, you will need to spend some bucks.

Method 1:Recalibrate iPhone’s Home button:

Recalibration is very easy process. Carefully follow the steps given below.

  • Open up any Native application on your iPhone such as Messages, settings, Calendar or camera.
  • Once application is opened, Press and hold the Power button until slide to power off appears on iPhone screen.
  • Now, Leave the Power button and Press and Hold the Home button, until your iPhone returns back to normal Home screen.

This is the simplest method to recalibrate your iPhone’s home button and is also used by the guys at Apple store.

Method 2: Using Assistive Touch:

If home button is physically damaged, than this solution will surely help you to get a temporary Home button. But for this your iPhone must be on iOS 5. The feature is called assistive touch and it will place a small home button on the bottom right corner of your iPhone. Read the following steps to activate Assistive touch on iPhone 4 on iOS 5 or higher.

Open up settings on your iPhone and Navigate to

General >Accessibility > Assistive Touch and Tap to turn it on.

A small button will be displayed on the lower right corner of your iPhone when you will click on it, It will show you all the Assistive touch menu from where you can select Home button.

In this way, your iPhone’s home button will be in working position.

Enable FaceTime and iCloud over 3G on 5.0.1 using 3G Unrestrictor [Cydia Tweak]

How to Enable FaceTime and iCloud over 3G on 5.0.1? The best thing about jailbreaking your iPhone is that it will break all the restrictions which Apple has imposed on their iOS version. One of such a limitation about the Apple’s legendary FaceTime, iCloud and Photo stream Programs is that they can only be used over Wi-Fi. So, you can access them only if you a Wi-Fi, But thanks to the developers over Cydia who made the 3G Unrestrictor which will allow users to use these apps over 3G.

According to Official 3G Unrestrictor Website:
3G Unrestrictor allows you to go around the iPhone's limitations and restrictions of not being able to use some applications like FaceTime, iCloud Backup, Photo Stream or high quality YouTube videos while on a mobile internet connection like 3G or EDGE as well as many other things.
3G Unrestrictor, Actually fool the apps to assume that you are on Wi-Fi Network instead of 3G so that you can access all the apps via 3G. It is upgraded to the latest version which adds the support for iOS 5 and higher. Now, what 3G Unrestrictor can do? Here’s is the list of the apps which can be used via 3G.

  • Enable Apple’s most amazing Video Calling FaceTime over 3G
  • Backup your iPhone or iPad to iCloud using 3G.So; you can copy all your Photos to iCloud anytime from anywhere.
  • Watch the HQ YouTube Videos over 3G instead of Wi-Fi
  • Download Large Size downloads from iTunes and AppStore
  • Play Online games from your iPhone or iPad over 3G
  • 3rd party app support.

So, this is a must have application for every iPhone or iPad who can’t use these amazing features over 3G. This app comes in two versions. If you want to upgrade from previous 3G Unrestrictor version, than you can get this app only for $0.99 only while new users will have to spend $3.99 in the Cydia store.

How to get this 3G Unrestrictor on iPhone or iPad to Enable FaceTime and iCloud over 3G on 5.0.1 :

  1. Open up Cydia from Home Screen
  2. Click on search and search for “3G Unrestrictor 5”
  3. Tap on it and Download it.
You can configure this app from Settings, you can select here for which apps you want to set 3G instead of Wi-Fi.

Browse Cydia without your iPhone

Sometime ago I came across a posting about Cydia browsing without your phone.
I saved the web links and always went there because it makes it easier for me on a computer instead of on my phone then install on my phone after I find what I want.

Recently reformatted my laptop and loosing the links, I searched for the links again. I am putting them here so I wont loose them again.

Jan 17, 2012


This brand new Tweek just came out today a few hours ago.
I have been waiting for this since I have read about this Tweek long ago.

Give your dock a little style!

Overflow lets you add a dynamic 'coverflow'-espue style to your dock, all while keeping things both elegant and fun to use.

Overflow also takes full advantage of chpwn's Infinidock, and animates when you scroll your dock, so be sure to purchase Infinidock in the Cydia Store to add that awesome you've always wanted!
Works with or without Infinidock, although for a dynamic Coverflow effect to work as well as scrolling on the dock, Infinidock is required.

Works best with 5 or 7 icons!

Enable / Disable from Settings app.

This is iOS 4.2 - 5.x Compatible

Update, I did buy and download this app. On my iPhone it does not work at this time and resprings into safe mode.

I contacted Adam Bell and explained what happened, His reply says it is not compatible with Springtomize and ScrollingBoard.

I am not sure when he will update it to be compatible, Perhaps later.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

Jan 13, 2012

No Battery Reflection

Ever wanted to know if you could rid of that reflection on the battery screen?

There is a Tweak for that.
It's called - No Battery Reflection. It makes the image better I think. It is compatible with iOS 5.01

Try it out. Also see it here.
What do you think of it?

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

Jan 11, 2012


I love the program iDemo. attimes the font is too small and i like to use iDemo to make it larger to see what i am doing, of course the phone must be jailbroken.

Must add ScreenSplitr from Cydia.

Then must download iDemo from

After the install run, it runs in Demo mode until it is purchased.
I bought mine back in 2010 and love it.

It is iOS5 compatible and does work on wifi so no cable needed unless you want to.

Tell me how you like it.