My iPhones

I started with a 3Gs at firmware 3.0 then moved to a 4G with the lowest firmware and now at firmware 5.01. I just bought the 4Gs with the 5.01. Waiting for the Jailbreak now for the 4s.

Jan 18, 2012

iPhone 4 Home button not working? Here’s how to fix it?

Stuck or broken Home button problem is really annoying, and chances of this problem are most probably for all those users who use Multitasking on iPhone. Well, Home button problem may be a software or hardware issue. If it is a software problem you can restore your iPhone which may fix this problem. But if restoring doesn’t fix this problem, you can follow the Method 1 given below to recalibrate your Home button on iPhone. However, if it is physically damaged, than you can follow the 2nd Method as a temporary solution. But for permanent solution, you will need to spend some bucks.

Method 1:Recalibrate iPhone’s Home button:

Recalibration is very easy process. Carefully follow the steps given below.

  • Open up any Native application on your iPhone such as Messages, settings, Calendar or camera.
  • Once application is opened, Press and hold the Power button until slide to power off appears on iPhone screen.
  • Now, Leave the Power button and Press and Hold the Home button, until your iPhone returns back to normal Home screen.

This is the simplest method to recalibrate your iPhone’s home button and is also used by the guys at Apple store.

Method 2: Using Assistive Touch:

If home button is physically damaged, than this solution will surely help you to get a temporary Home button. But for this your iPhone must be on iOS 5. The feature is called assistive touch and it will place a small home button on the bottom right corner of your iPhone. Read the following steps to activate Assistive touch on iPhone 4 on iOS 5 or higher.

Open up settings on your iPhone and Navigate to

General >Accessibility > Assistive Touch and Tap to turn it on.

A small button will be displayed on the lower right corner of your iPhone when you will click on it, It will show you all the Assistive touch menu from where you can select Home button.

In this way, your iPhone’s home button will be in working position.

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