My iPhones

I started with a 3Gs at firmware 3.0 then moved to a 4G with the lowest firmware and now at firmware 5.01. I just bought the 4Gs with the 5.01. Waiting for the Jailbreak now for the 4s.

Jan 21, 2012

Windows iPhone 4s / iPad 2 Jailbreak Released – How To – Video

The iPhone Dev Team have updated their Command Line Interface tool (CLI) to work with Windows. While CLI might be consider a little more advance then your typical click and jailbreak tool, anyone with previous jailbreak experience will be able to successfully jailbreak.

CLI will eventually be ported over to Redsn0w and make it easier for many to use. But for now if you want a jailbreak for your iPhone 4 or iPad 2 and only have Windows, this is the way to go.

“iPhone Dev have also incorporated the exact same flow into an alternative command-line interface (CLI). This will allow us to help users through individual steps of the jailbreak manually, to both help the user and help improve the overall flow. Although the CLI will also allow the user to perform the entire jailbreak from beginning to end, we anticipate it will be more useful in debugging the occasional errors. The CLI currently has over 20 individual options (in addition to the single “jailbreak” option) that should be useful during debug after the GUI release. – iPhone Dev Team”


Here’s a help video on How To Jailbreak your iDevice with CLI on Windows from iDownloadBlog

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